About p4teacher

The P4 teachers are so excited about the 2014-2015 school year at FMS! This year we intend to implement new works and exciting ideas into the classroom. Our goal is to allow the children to discover a love of learning and to follow each student at their individual academic and social level.

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2020! We are looking forward to a wonderful second semester of school. This month we are learning about the solar system (always a favorite), Antarctica, snow and ice, and polar animals. The children have been immersed in their studies and the excitement shows as they explore these topics.

Another favorite activity is called tinkering. As a school, we are implementing the concept of tinkering, which allows the children the opportunity to create and use their imagination as they manipulate loose parts found within the environment. The children are drawn to this idea and enjoy coming up with unique creations.

Important Dates:

Wednesday, January 29th: Kindergarten Enrollment Information Night 5:00 pm (students must be age 5 by September 30th, 2020)

Thursday, January 30th: First Grade Enrollment Information Night 5:00 pm (students must be 6 by September 30th, 2020)

Friday, February 7th: Student Council Assembly – Kindergartners should arrive to school by 8:15 am

Thursday, February 13th: Primary Parent-Child Night; Last name A-M 4:15-5:00 pm and N-Z 5:00-5:45 pm

Monday, February 17th: No School; President’s Day

Friday, February 21st: Primary Field Trip to Children’s Discovery Museum

Sensorial Area of the Montessori Classroom

“The child, making use of all that he finds around him, shapes himself for the future.” ~Maria Montessori

The use of our senses helps us to make sense of the world and what is happening around us.  When new objects are presented to children, they examine it using their senses. With this kind of natural exploration, Maria Montessori felt this was the best time to give the children material to help sharpen those senses and enable them to understand the impressions that are given through the material.

The material provided in the sensorial area of the classroom help the children to become aware of details. This is accomplished by offering strongly contrasted sensations like red and blue, then various graded sensations such as different shades of the same color. The children are able to understand concretely what is red or what is blue, followed by an understanding on a more abstract level. This particular concept can be seen while the children are using the color tablet boxes. From primary colors to shades of colors, the children are using their senses to understand the meaning of color.

Within the sensorial area, there are different qualities that are being taught including color, weight, shape, texture, size, sound, smell, etc. Every material is constructed so there is little variation. For example, the color tablets are all the same size, and the sound boxes are all the same size and weight. The only difference is the actual sound the cylinders make. With practice and repetition, the mind is able to be trained to appreciate differences.

One of the very first activities introduced to children is the Pink Tower. This work introduces the children to three-dimensional objects. There are 10 pink cubes graded in size from one centimeter cubed to ten centimeters cubed. The blocks are the same color, shape, and texture. In order to complete the activity, the child must recognize the gradation in size and build the tower beginning with the largest cube and placing the smallest cube on top.


Another introductory work is the Brown Stairs. The children are introduced to size in two dimensions. There are ten prisms with a constant length of twenty centimeters, but the width and height vary from one centimeter to ten centimeters. The children will create a stair-like structure. The terms thick, thicker, thickest and thin, thinner, thinnest are introduced.

Together, the pink tower and the brown stairs are used as an advanced work once the children are comfortable with the two works separately.

There are several other works in the sensorial area which allow children the ability to explore using their senses. They find joy in mastering these works at their simplest form and then being challenged with extensions. Below are some more pictures of various works the children enjoy doing in the sensorial area.

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Important Dates: 

December 13th: Kindergarten Assembly @ 8:20; please have your kindergarten student here by 8:20 am

December 19th: Holiday Sing-A-Long @ 10:30 am

December 23rd-January 6th: Winter Break; No School

January 7th: School Resumes

October Happenings

This month the children have been busy exploring the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates. They have also been learning about mammals, pumpkins and our 5 senses. The science area of our classroom has drawn the children in as they put together skeleton bones, classify animals as a vertebrate or invertebrate, make mammal books, and pick seeds out of a pumpkin.

We were privileged to have two parent volunteers this month. Alia’s mom, Ash, came in and read us an awesome book about mammal. Isaac’s mom, Sarah, came in and did a cooking project. The children were able to make pumpkin energy balls.

World History Day is almost here! We have had so much help with WHD and want to thank our room mom’s, Ale and Leah, for their dedication to making this day rock! We’d also like to give a special thanks to Erin for her help, as well. Please check your emails and look for the Sign-Up Genius link to help make WHD the best day! We have decorations to make, food to buy, and volunteers are needed to help set up the classroom the day before WHD and during the actual event. Thank you for help!

Below you will see some pictures related to Parent-Child Night. Thank you for all those who attended. The children were so excited to show you their classroom.

Important Dates:

10/24 World History Day, Half Day dismissal 11:15 a.m.

10/25 Nevada Day, No School

11/8 Teacher In-service, No School

11/11 Veterans’ Day, No School

The Montessori Philosophy

Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future.” ~Maria Montessori

Once a month, the blog will be dedicated towards the Montessori philosophy. Your children have an amazing opportunity to learn through the ways of Maria Montessori. We hope these posts will shed some light and inspire you as much as Maria Montessori has inspired us as educators.

At the center of the Montessori philosophy is the idea children should cultivate a love of learning and their own natural desire to learn. Maria Montessori believed no human being is educated by another person because they must do it on their own, or it will never get done. Children develop a deeper understanding of learning as they develop their own desires to learn and grow. In the Montessori classroom, this objective is approached in two ways: first, by allowing each child to experience the excitement of learning by their own choice rather than by being forced; and second, by helping students to perfect all their natural tools for learning so their ability will be at a maximum in future learning situations. The materials in the classroom were created so children have a dual long-range purpose, as well as, an immediate purpose by giving specific information to the child.

Maria Montessori often referred to a child’s mind as a sponge. It absorbs information from the environment and through the materials children use within the classroom. Learning then becomes a natural and delightful activity for children because they are using all their senses to investigate their surroundings. The materials are meant to be handled by the children in a way which allows them to learn at their own pace and their own abilities. When children are not ready to learn something, their ability to remember and truly understand is not as great as a child learning to do something they are ready to learn.

The areas in the classroom can be divided into three main categories. The first being practical life, the second being sensorial materials, and the third being the academic materials such as reading, math, writing and culture. Each month we will focus on one area of the classroom and discuss the importance of the area.

The role of a teacher in the Montessori classroom is quite different than a traditional teacher role. The teacher is there to guide the children into developing a love for learning. The teacher is also an observer and learns to understand each child on an individual basis. Lessons are delivered to the students when they demonstrate readiness. Through careful observation of each child, the teacher is aware of a student’s needs and abilities, and is trained to recognize periods of readiness within each child. Gentle encouragement is given to those children who may be hesitant in their learning process.

The Montessori classroom hums with activity because the materials involve many motions like walking, carrying a tray, pouring, communicating, and the constant use of hands. With the steady motion and use of materials, a level of respect for the materials is important. Maria Montessori never equated goodness with silence and immobility. She encouraged self-discipline through the gradual absorption in meaningful work. When a child becomes interested in a particular classroom activity, their behavior will almost always mature. When misbehavior occurs, the teacher helps the child to select a work which will more fully absorb their attention.

Our goal and mission for the children echoes what Maria Montessori has stated, “We can only give each individual the chance to fulfill his potential possibilities to become independent, secure, and balanced human beings.”

Important Dates:

Friday, September 27th: FMS Friday (Wear FMS shirt or Be Kind Shirt) and PTO Family Movie Night

Tuesday, October 1st: Picture Day

Friday, October 4th: Student Council Assembly – kindergarten students attend

Thursday, October 10: Primary Parent Child Night (based on last name) 4:30-5:15 A-M 5:15-6:00 N-Z. Please let us know if the assigned time is not convenient and you prefer to attend the other time listed.

Friday, October 18th: PTO Fall Festival 5:00-8:00

Thursday, October 24th: World History Day; Half-Day Dismissal at 11:15 am; Teacher In service

Friday, October 25th: No School, Nevada Day



Welcome to P4!

Welcome to P4! We are so happy you have joined us and we are looking forward to a great year. 

We started the year off getting to know each other, learning the rules of the classroom, and learning how to work in the classroom. During the month of August we discussed living vs. nonliving, weather, seasons and feelings. The children learned about the peace area of the classroom and how each of them have a love light. Their love light shines bright when they are happy and the children have been striving to have their love light shine bright. IMG_8306IMG_8326IMG_8290

The children have been learning the rules of the classroom such as sitting nicely in circle, how to resolve conflict using the peace rose, where to place their paper when they are done, and how to clean up their area after eating lunch. The children have had a lot to remember and have been doing an amazing job. They are becoming more and more independent and confident. The children have also been using a mat to define their personal work space. The older children have been great leaders in the classroom by helping the younger and newer friends with their work and setting a great example.



The month of September brings a lot of new and exciting work in the classroom. topics include safety and community helpers; apples; land, air and water; and nutrition. September also brings parent-teacher conferences, book fair and PTO movie night. Please be sure to check the bench next to our door for sign-ups, volunteer opportunities, and important announcements.

Important Dates

9/16-20: Book Fair

9/20: No School for Students, Parent-Teacher Conferences

9/27: PTO Family Movie Night