We are entering the glorious season of Fall in the Mojave! Please send your child to school with a jacket as it can get breezy and cold especially in the mornings when they work in our outside classroom. It is very important that jackets are labeled with your child’s name, as you can imagine when jackets are misplaced, it is much easier to find the right owner if we can verify with their names. Thank you!
Many jobs in the classroom are designed to activate fine motor skills so that the pincer grip is developed. The pincer grip is the way a person holds a writing instrument. The proper grip is holding the pencil between the thumb and the first two fingers. When a child is writing, the bottom of the hand (near the pinkie finger) is pressing firmly upon the table. In the Montessori philosophy, writing is developed before reading, so this is a very important developmental stage. All materials are placed in a “left to right” manner, to help train the eye and the brain for reading words “left to right.” One of the best ways to develop the pincer grip is to cut using scissors.
Every Monday, we have a peace lesson where we learn about Black Elks medicine wheel, using a peace rose to solve conflicts and now we are learning about the circles of awareness (body, mind, emotions and love light).
Our Peace curriculum book
Sitting on the cushion and experiencing peace.
Our student council (made up of seventh and eighth graders) inspire us to dress up on Fridays to show our school spirit. Last week was “super heroes” and this Friday (10/22) will be dress up in Fall colors.
We will be celebrating America next Thursday (10/28) and convert our classroom to the state of Hawaii! Aloha!! We encourage you to have your child dress in Hawaiian themed clothes! There will be no lunch and students will leave at 11:15am. There is no school on Friday 10/29 in celebration of Nevada Day.
Giving a lesson writing and reading using a workbook
finishing the 100 board setting the table
Doing the puzzle map of the United States.
Four digit addition Completing a reading box.