Process, process, process

A fundamental tenant of the Montessori philosophy is to approach each lesson in a measured, ordered way. Each item that is used is carefully placed on a floor mat or on the table and presented in a simple, clear way. This allows the student the opportunity to see precisely how to use the materials in a predictable manner and to quickly have a “job” that they can use and practice independently. Repeatedly using the job reinforces the concepts being learned and builds a power memory of the ideas presented.

Montessori lessons are hands-on and there are many instances where a student will repeat the use of the materials many times until the concept it learned. Often there is paperwork that comes home with the student reinforcing the work the student is doing. Please check your child’s blue bag daily and if there is paperwork, please review it with your child and ask them, “how did you did this?” if it is language work, please ask them “what is this sound?” This kind of interaction is very helpful in reinforcing the effort and progress your child is making in the learning environment.

During the week, we have “specials” like music, art, Spanish classes where the students are taught in a whole group setting and then are given specific tasks to complete, reinforcing the lesson.

Kindergartners are working on their goals during the morning work cycle, then in the afternoon it is a Kindergartens only class in P4. Many lessons in Math, Language, Cultural and Science lessons are focused on.