With gratitude we say THANK YOU! The decorations, the sweets, the flowers, the gifts the donations all made us feel so special. Thank you for your wonderful support in making this school year one to remember and one to cherish. To think that we were able to unite and figure out a method for navigating through this unusual year is commendable.
We are wrapping up our month in studying Asia this week. We were given a thorough and creative presentation about the Philippines by Ms. Pauline.
Peer reading is one method for students to practice their skills, both reading and listening. Many jobs in our Science area are about categorizing and labeling parts of the object being studied. Dinosaurs are classified as carnivores (meat eaters) and herbivores (plant eaters).
Kindergartners working with their younger friends. Using language boxes, matching and using the puzzle maps.
Sharing a favorite book with the kindergarten class.
Every Spring, the Primary classes do a service project for our community reaching out with needed supplies, food, books. This year, we have chosen the Lullaby Connection, a local organization the helps new mothers with basic, new born supplies. Beginning April 12th through April 23 families can purchase items from Amazon, Target, Walmart, etc for the Lullaby Connection and have them shipped to school. Items must be new. A complete list and further details for families will be provided after Spring Break
Spring break begins at the end of this week! Have a safe and restful time together.
We will see you back on Tuesday, April 6th!